Welcome our new Registered Massage Therapist – Jas Purewall

Surrey BC Registered massage therapist joint mobilizations

Meet Jag Prewall: Surrey’s Expert in Body Realignment and Massage Therapy Are you feeling off-balance, dealing with persistent aches, or noticing a difference in your body’s alignment? Jag Prewall, our registered massage therapist at [Clinic Name], is here to help you feel better and get back to your best. With nearly two decades of experience in the field, Jag has been practicing massage therapy since 2005, developing a deep understanding of how the body works and how to address its imbalances. He has a sharp eye for identifying misalignments in the body, whether it’s a slight rotation of the hips or a leg that’s longer than the other—often a subtle but significant cause of discomfort or pain. Jag’s Approach: Assessment & Realignment Jag’s primary focus is realigning the body for optimal movement and function. Through a thorough assessment, he can pinpoint whether your body is rotated, misaligned, or imbalanced in any way. His hands-on techniques are designed to bring your body back into balance, helping you move more freely, relieve pain, and restore your natural posture. Some common issues Jag addresses include: Hip and shoulder misalignments Uneven leg length Back and neck pain due to poor posture or muscle imbalances Muscle tension caused by overuse or injury Why Choose Jag? Experienced: With nearly 20 years of experience, Jag has treated thousands of patients and helped them overcome a wide range of musculoskeletal issues. Knowledgeable: He’s not only confident in his techniques but also continually updates his skills and knowledge, ensuring you receive top-notch care. Personalized Treatment: Jag takes the time to assess each individual thoroughly, creating a tailored plan to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re an athlete, a desk worker, or simply someone looking to improve how your body feels and functions, Jag can help you achieve better alignment and overall wellness. Book a Session with Jag Today If you’re ready to realign your body and feel the difference, book an appointment with Jag Prewall at Therapy Now Wellness Clinic in Surrey BC. He’s dedicated to helping you get back to your best self! Book NOW

Join Our Free Running Club NOW!

We are excited to announce our new Run club! This is a great opportunity to meet other runners (new and experienced) and get tips from experienced runners. We are really excited about offering this to Newton Surrey community. It is a great way to get some exercise, relieve stress, and do something for FREE! Details about the Therapy Now run club is as follows: Runs will be every Monday morning at 9:30AM with Andy and Amanda and Thursday at 6PM with Andy and Brandon. Try to be there 5 minutes early. **Subject to change, please check instagram for updates. Meeting location will be at the Therapy Now clinic. (directions) Duration: 30 – 1 hour depending on the day. The club is open to all levels of runners, from beginners to experienced runners. What are you waiting for? Click here to our newsletter to find out more. We would love for you to join us on our runs! Please fill out our registration form to join.

The Truth about Carbohydrates

Are you tired of feeling carb-confused? You’re not alone. Many clients that I work with need clarification about carbohydrates. But fear not! We’re here to clear up the confusion and help you make better choices for your health and wellness. Carbohydrates, fats, and protein make up the three macronutrients we get from most of our foods. While each of these are littered with misunderstandings, knowing the truth about carbohydrates can be life or death. Poor eating habits can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other lifestyle diseases. The easiest way to understand carbohydrates is to use unrefined versus refined. What is unrefined? It’s simple: if you can eat it as it grew in your garden with or without cooking it up (heating it up), it’s unrefined. If you need to start processing it, then the more you process it, the more refined you get! Here’s a quiz: Is a boiled potato an unrefined carb? Yes, because all we did was heat it up! In fact, a boiled potato ranks at the top for being incredibly satiating (filling)! Is a baked potato an unrefined carb? Yes, because all we did was heat it up! Is bread an unrefined carb? No, because we mill the bran and germ (outer layers out). The degree of processing matters when it comes to bread, rice, oats, and other grains. If you remove everything, you’re left with pure sugar, the most refined form. We can all agree that that high level of processing leaves us with “junk” calories. Carbohydrates in their unprocessed unrefined forms have many advantages. They have more water, fibre, vitamins and nutrients. In addition, they’re lower in calorie density, meaning you can eat more volume to feel full while getting fewer calories in (excellent for weight loss). But instead, most people give carbohydrate-rich foods the thumbs down. Why? Because most people are eating highly-refined forms, which are unsurprisingly associated with adverse health consequences. I remember hearing that 90% of carbs eaten in America are processed refined carbohydrates! If you’ve made it this far into this article, then you need a special reward. So here’s a little secret, despite pasta and white rice being more refined forms of carbohydrates, these are NOT problematic. Why not? Because when we cook them, they soak up water. That water absorbed by the rice and pasta noodles means it takes our bodies some time to digest, which equals being full! It also means that while bread is 1200 calories per pound, pasta and white rice are closer to 600 calories per pound. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks on leveraging carbs for your dietary pleasure and satiation in our upcoming blog posts! Andy Bains Nutrition Coach “I believe in sustainable long-term success so you can look and feel better for the rest of your life.” Learn more about Andy Bains… Contact us today at 604-401-0459 for your 15 minute nutrition consultation. Get the personalized advice you need to achieve your nutritional goals.

Acupuncture is effective in treating chronic neck pain and lower back pain

Neck and lower back pain is common musculoskeletal disorders in adult population. It is estimated that annually 30 to 50 percent of adults have neck pain. Neck pain lasting more than 12 weeks is defined as chronic neck pain (CNP). Acupuncture treatment has been widely used for treating neck pain. In the recent decade, there has been an increasing tendency to use acupuncture as a complementary medicine for chronic neck pain. How can acupuncture treat chronic neck pain and chronic lower back pain? Acupuncture is a form of Chinese Medicine that relies on the stimulation of specific points on the body using fine, thin needles. It has been used to treat neck pain by reducing muscle tension and calming the nervous system. This helps reduce pain while improving mobility in the neck area. Additionally, acupuncture can also improve circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids in the affected area, which helps to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Acupuncture has been shown to be an effective treatment in pain reduction and functional improvement for chronic neck pain. It can provide relief for those suffering from chronic pain. If you are considering acupuncture for your neck pain, be sure to consult with a registered acupuncturist to ensure you are getting the best possible treatment. Andy (Di) Le Our Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) at Therapy Now, Newton Surrey Learn more about Andy (Di) Le… Tina Huang Learn more about Tina Huang… Leila Montemayor Learn more about Leila Montemayor… Why wait? Experience the healing potential of this ancient form of medicine. Schedule an acupuncture session today!

5 Reasons why you should book a massage therapy appointment now

You may think that due to your busy schedule, seeking massage therapy services is too time consuming. Nonetheless, in spite of the rainy weather we encourage you to book an appointment with your massage therapist. You’ll be glad you did—massage therapy can alleviate your aches and pains while allowing for relaxation and stress relief. 5 reasons why you should book a massage 1. Relieves Muscle Soreness Massage therapy can reduce muscle stiffness and/or soreness resulting from long hours of work, intense physical activity or sleeping in a non-optimal position, etc. When muscles build up stress and tension it can reduce the blood flow to the soft tissues and restrict movement. Pain relief may result from improved circulation helping the muscles heal and restore movement brought about by a massage session. 2. Improves Sleeping Habits Lack of sleep can leave you feeling tired, drained, and unfocused. It can also cause poor cognitive function and a weakened immune system. Massage has been demonstrated to increase the production of serotonin and melatonin, both important in facilitating deep sleep. ! 3. Reduces Injury Risk Massage can improve the flow of blood in the body, increasing oxygen levels and keeping muscles energized, strong and healthy. This helps to prevent injury due to improved tissue elasticity. The additional oxygen also enhances performance during physical activities. 4. Decreases Anxiety and Improves Well-being It has been shown that regular massages can have a positive effect on overall well-being, by helping to decrease anxiety. Massages work by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, which in turn can help to slow the heart rate and decrease blood pressure. These effects can be beneficial for those who are looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing. 5. Rehabilitate your injury Massage Therapy is an excellent tool for treating orthopedic issues. Massage can help improve range of motion and decrease pain in the affected area, whether it be a knee injury, lower back pain, wrist discomfort or jaw tightness. Registered Massage Therapists are trained to address these conditions and their symptoms giving you the relief you need and restoring your quality of life. We welcome you to experience our services! Let us help you take care of you NOW!

4 Running Warm-ups

DO I NEED TO WARM-UP BEFORE I RUN? It is important for you to warm up before your work out. How many times have you gone out for a run without warming up? Probably many and you probably have not hurt yourself either so you may think to yourself, “Oh to save time, I can probably just skip it, I just want to run and get this over with.” Warming up before exercise is important for several reasons. First, it prepares your cardiovascular system for physical activity by increasing blood flow to your muscles and raising your body temperature. Second, it helps to lower the risk of getting injured by making your muscles more flexible. So take the time to warm up before your next workout! 4 RUNNING WARM-UPS YOU CAN TRY Jog in Place Run on the balls of your feet. Keeping it light and fast. Split Squat Squat with your legs close together. Squat with your legs far apart. Dynamic Lunges Step forward with one foot. Drop your bottom knee down. Repeat to the opposite side. *Make sure your knees line up with your toes when you drop down. Butt Kicks Bring your heels to your buttocks. Alternate sides. These are just a few warm-ups that you can do. Give them a try and let us know what you think? Join our FREE Run Club in Newton, Surrey

A New and Exciting Treatment Option Now Available to the Clinic at Newton Surrey

Hi Therapy Now Community, We have a new treatment available to the clinic that we are really excited to announce that we are offering Osteopathy in Newton Surrey! What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a gentle, holistic, safe and effective form of health care that emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Osteopaths focus on correcting misalignments of the joints though manipulating soft tissues through stretching and massage, often referred to as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy. By addressing imbalances and compensations in the musculoskeletal system, osteopathic practitioners can help promote overall wellness and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you can consult with a qualified osteopath to determine if this form of therapy may be beneficial for your condition What is the difference between osteopathy and chiropractic? Chiropractors are more likely to use chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments of the joints, while osteopaths tend to focus more on manipulating soft tissues through stretching and massage. What can osteopathy treat? General descriptions of pain: Disc – strain, hernia, prolapse Inflammation and swelling Tendinitis Tenosynovitis Muscle spasms, strains and pulls Ligament strains Joint – pain, swelling, clicking, locking Trapped nerves and nerve pain Arthritis, wear and tear, degeneration Bursitisà Visceral problems after pathology has been excluded: Asthma and breathing problems Swallowing, indigestion, hiatus hernia Constipation Period pain High blood pressure Kidney and bladder disorders Pelvic floor, stress incontinence Ear-ache Dizziness Tinnitus Sinus pain Musculo-skeletal problems: Spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylolisthesis Neck (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Headaches Migraines TMJ, Jaw Thoracic (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Rib (muscle, ligament, and joint) Floating rib impingement Thoracic outlet syndrome Chest pain (not cardiac) Frozen shoulder and impingement syndromes Rotator cuff and shoulder bursitis, tendinitis and muscle tears Acromio-clavicular pain Collar bone Student, tennis and golfers elbow Carpal tunnel syndrome Trigger finger or thumb Wrist tendinitis Arthritic thumb Raynauds phenomenon Lumbar (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Sacro-iliac (ligament, and joint) Ankylosing spondylitis Sciatica Coccyx pain Hip bursitis, pain, and degeneration Hamstring, quadricep, calf muscle strains Iliotibial tract Groin pain Groin strains Knee degeneration and pain (meniscus, ligament, bursa, joint, muscle) Patella disorders Swollen ankles Shin splints / pain High or fallen arch problems Plantar fasciitis, pain on sole of foot or heel Achilles tendon pain Toe pain Foot pain Why see Andy Le, our osteopath, at our Newton, Surrey Location? Andy Le is an active member of British Columbia’s College of Registered Manual Osteopaths since 2018. He is very passionate about being an osteopath and is very good at what he does. He has a strong interest in helping people relieve pain and improve their quality of life. He is constantly exploring new techniques and approaches to osteopathy in order to provide the best possible care for his patients. Andy’s passion for osteopathy and his dedication to provide quality care for his patients in Newton Surrey makes him an excellent practitioner. If you are looking for someone to help you relieve pain and improve your quality of life, Andy is definitely the osteopath for you.

It’s our 3 year anniversary!

To the Therapy Now Wellness Clinic community, I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for being a part of our journey. We are thrilled to be celebrating our 3-year anniversary as a TOP RATED clinic in Surrey by PainHero and a 5-star google rated clinic, and we couldn’t have done it without your trust, support, and dedication to your own well-being. Over the past three years, it has been an honour to be a part of your story, and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue supporting you in the years to come. We’ve come a long way from just offering massage therapy. As the clinic has grown, we now provide a diverse range of services including acupuncture, clinical counseling, kinesiology, nutrition, osteopathy and student intern massage therapy. As we reflect on the past three years, we are proud of all that we have accomplished together. From our innovative treatment options to our compassionate team, we remain committed to providing you with the highest level of care and support possible. Thank you again for choosing Therapy Now Wellness Clinic as your partner in health and wellness. We look forward to celebrating many more milestones together in the years to come! Your feedback is important to us as we continue to strive towards providing the best care for your well-being, if you have any suggestions, we would love to hear it. Warm regards, Amanda Seminiano Founder of Therapy Now Therapeutics

The Science Behind Counselling: How Therapy Can Help Combat Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health issues affecting millions of people worldwide. They can be debilitating and profoundly impactful on an individual’s life. While medication can help alleviate symptoms, many individuals choose to seek counseling as a way to gain a better understanding of their mental health and to develop coping strategies. The science behind counseling and therapy is complex and multifaceted. It involves the careful assessment of an individual’s emotional and psychological state, along with the development of tailored interventions. In this article, we will explore the science behind counseling and how it can help individuals combat anxiety and depression. Understanding anxiety and depression Anxiety and depression are complex mental health issues that can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, environmental stressors, or traumatic experiences. Anxiety is characterized by persistent fear or worry about everyday situations, while depression is marked by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. To understand anxiety and depression, therapists conduct a thorough assessment of an individual’s emotional and psychological state. They consider an individual’s medical history, family history, and current life stressors. Therapists also use various diagnostic tools to measure the severity of symptoms, including questionnaires and clinical interviews. Once a therapist has a full understanding of an individual’s circumstances, they work collaboratively with the client to develop personalized interventions. These interventions can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, or exposure therapy, which helps individuals confront their fears in a controlled and supportive environment. Therapy can also help individuals develop coping strategies for managing anxiety and depression symptoms outside of therapy sessions. These may include mindfulness techniques, stress management, and relaxation exercises. In summary, understanding the complexity of anxiety and depression is the first step in developing effective interventions. Therapists partner with their clients to create personalized plans to manage symptoms and improve overall mental health. What is counselling and how does it work? Counseling is a process where a trained therapist or counselor provides support and guidance to individuals struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The goal of counseling is to help individuals develop coping strategies and learn new skills to manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being. Counseling typically begins with an assessment where the therapist asks questions to gain a better understanding of the individual’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings. They may also gather information about the individual’s medical and family history, as well as their current stressors and challenges. Once the assessment is complete, the therapist will work with the individual to create a treatment plan that is tailored to their specific needs. This may include various therapeutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, or interpersonal therapy. During counseling sessions, the therapist provides a safe and supportive environment for the individual to share their thoughts and feelings. They may offer guidance, feedback, and tools to help the individual better understand their emotions and develop effective coping mechanisms. Counseling is a collaborative process, where both the therapist and the individual work together to achieve the desired outcome. It can take time and effort, but with the right guidance and support, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their overall mental health. The benefits of counselling for anxiety and depression Counselling for anxiety and depression can be highly beneficial for individuals struggling with these mental health issues. Here are some of the benefits: 1. Coping Strategies – Through counselling, individuals can develop effective coping mechanisms to help them manage their anxiety and depression symptoms. They can also learn to recognize triggers and develop strategies to deal with them. 2. Emotional Support – Counselling provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings. It can help them feel heard and understood, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness. 3. Improved Self-Esteem – Counselling can help individuals address negative thought patterns and develop a more positive self-talk. This can improve their self-esteem and confidence. 4. Personal Growth – The goal of counselling is not just to treat the symptoms of anxiety and depression but to help individuals achieve personal growth. They can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their values, and their underlying beliefs. 5. Better Relationships – Counselling can help individuals improve their communication skills and develop healthier relationships with others. This can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life. Overall, counselling provides individuals with the tools and support they need to manage their anxiety and depression and improve their overall well-being. It is important to seek help from a trained therapist or counselor who can provide tailored treatment to meet individual needs. The different types of therapy available There are various types of therapy available, and the selection you make will depend on your personal preferences, needs, and goals. Here are five different types of therapy commonly used to treat anxiety and depression: 1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT is a goal-focused and evidence-based form of therapy that helps individuals learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to anxiety and depression. 2. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) – MBCT combines CBT with mindfulness techniques to help individuals learn how to be present in the moment and develop a more accepting and compassionate attitude towards themselves and their emotions. 3. Psychodynamic Therapy – This therapy is focused on exploring unconscious patterns and emotions to gain insight into and resolve underlying psychological conflicts. 4. Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) – IPT is a short-term therapy that focuses on improving interpersonal relationships and communication skills to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. 5. Art Therapy – Art therapy involves creative expression as a means of exploring and processing emotions and experiences. It can help individuals access and express complex feelings that may be difficult to put into words. Each type of therapy has its own unique approach and benefits, and it is important to work with a therapist to … Read more

Is Pregnancy (Prenatal) Massage Safe?

Hi Therapy Now Community, If you are pregnant, we just want to say “Congratulations!” If you are pregnant, you might be wondering if pregnancy massage (also known as prenatal massage) is safe. As pregnancies progress, mothers will experience significant changes to their bodies. As a result of the baby’s growth, expectant mothers will not only gain weight but also notice many other adjustments. Given the current circumstances, pregnant mothers might be looking for ways to combat discomfort without resorting to medicines. To address this need, it’s important to identify alternative treatments that are safe and effective. Yes, pregnancy massage is safe, given that you see a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). Registered Massage Therapy in British Columbia is part of the regulated health profession and accredited by the College of Massage Therapy of British Columbia. To reach this status, therapists must take pregnancy massage as part of their curriculum and successfully pass a licensing exam in the province. Massage during pregnancy can help relieve discomfort that occurs during trimesters of pregnancy. Pregnant women often experience back pain, neck pain, sciatica, and headaches, and massage can help to relieve these discomforts. Massage can also help to improve circulation and reduce stress. Which Massage Pregnancy Positions are safe? This all depends on which trimester you are in. There are 3 positions a pregnant woman could be in on the massage table. Face up Face down Side-line Is it safe for me to have a massage while lying facing down while I am pregnant? If you are in your 1st trimester, you can lie face down. During this stage, the uterus protects the fetus well, and there is no reason to avoid sleeping on the stomach during the first trimester. In the 2nd trimester, as long as you are working with a Registered Massage Therapist and have a specialized massage pillow which completely elevates/supports your belly in most cases you will be safe. At Therapy Now Wellness clinic we have a two-part massage pillowing system called the BodyCushion that is specifically contoured to fit around your entire belly. The bottom pillow contours around your hips/pelvis and lower belly, this completely supports delicate ligaments and sensitive areas. The top pillow is carved out to support tender breasts and contoured around the top of the belly completely elevating it from the table. Both of these pillows work together to support the mama to be on the Massage table. The beauty of having two separate pillows is that they can be moved closer together/apart to accommodate the size of the belly. The main thing to note is that the belly never touches the table, it is cradled in between the pillows creating a safe nest to support your baby. As you enter your 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you may find that your belly grows quickly and can make it difficult to lie on your back. As soon as your belly touches the massage table while in the pregnancy pillow, it is recommended that you do not lie face down. Is it safe for me to have a massage while lying on my back while I am pregnant? While in the first trimester, you can lie on your back. In the second trimester, as long as you are comfortable you can lie on your back. During your third trimester, Experts suggest not lying flat on your back. This position compresses the vena cava and reduces blood flow and oxygen delivery to the fetus. Back sleeping may also contribute to sleep-related breathing difficulties for the mother. Another alternative though could be a semi-fowlers position which props the head and torso to between 15 and 45 degrees. Is it safe for me to lie on my side while I am pregnant? During all trimesters it is considered safe to have massage while lying on your side on your side. As a woman reaches the second and third trimesters, sleeping on the left side is generally considered to be the safest and most comfortable option. However, you it is okay to be on the right side for short periods of time while being massaged. At Therapy Now Wellness Clinic, we have had the delight of treating many women until their pregnancy delivery date. We have helped relieve and reduce sciatica symptoms, headaches, hip pain, swelling, etc. If you’re looking for a massage specifically tailored to pregnant women, please feel free to reach out to us and book an appointment.