Join Our Free Running Club NOW!

We are excited to announce our new Run club! This is a great opportunity to meet other runners (new and experienced) and get tips from experienced runners. We are really excited about offering this to Newton Surrey community. It is a great way to get some exercise, relieve stress, and do something for FREE! Details about the Therapy Now run club is as follows: Runs will be every Monday morning at 9:30AM with Andy and Amanda and Thursday at 6PM with Andy and Brandon. Try to be there 5 minutes early. **Subject to change, please check instagram for updates. Meeting location will be at the Therapy Now clinic. (directions) Duration: 30 – 1 hour depending on the day. The club is open to all levels of runners, from beginners to experienced runners. What are you waiting for? Click here to our newsletter to find out more. We would love for you to join us on our runs! Please fill out our registration form to join.

4 Running Warm-ups

DO I NEED TO WARM-UP BEFORE I RUN? It is important for you to warm up before your work out. How many times have you gone out for a run without warming up? Probably many and you probably have not hurt yourself either so you may think to yourself, “Oh to save time, I can probably just skip it, I just want to run and get this over with.” Warming up before exercise is important for several reasons. First, it prepares your cardiovascular system for physical activity by increasing blood flow to your muscles and raising your body temperature. Second, it helps to lower the risk of getting injured by making your muscles more flexible. So take the time to warm up before your next workout! 4 RUNNING WARM-UPS YOU CAN TRY Jog in Place Run on the balls of your feet. Keeping it light and fast. Split Squat Squat with your legs close together. Squat with your legs far apart. Dynamic Lunges Step forward with one foot. Drop your bottom knee down. Repeat to the opposite side. *Make sure your knees line up with your toes when you drop down. Butt Kicks Bring your heels to your buttocks. Alternate sides. These are just a few warm-ups that you can do. Give them a try and let us know what you think? Join our FREE Run Club in Newton, Surrey