A New and Exciting Treatment Option Now Available to the Clinic at Newton Surrey

Hi Therapy Now Community, We have a new treatment available to the clinic that we are really excited to announce that we are offering Osteopathy in Newton Surrey! What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a gentle, holistic, safe and effective form of health care that emphasizes the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Osteopaths focus on correcting misalignments of the joints though manipulating soft tissues through stretching and massage, often referred to as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy. By addressing imbalances and compensations in the musculoskeletal system, osteopathic practitioners can help promote overall wellness and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you can consult with a qualified osteopath to determine if this form of therapy may be beneficial for your condition What is the difference between osteopathy and chiropractic? Chiropractors are more likely to use chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments of the joints, while osteopaths tend to focus more on manipulating soft tissues through stretching and massage. What can osteopathy treat? General descriptions of pain: Disc – strain, hernia, prolapse Inflammation and swelling Tendinitis Tenosynovitis Muscle spasms, strains and pulls Ligament strains Joint – pain, swelling, clicking, locking Trapped nerves and nerve pain Arthritis, wear and tear, degeneration Bursitisà Visceral problems after pathology has been excluded: Asthma and breathing problems Swallowing, indigestion, hiatus hernia Constipation Period pain High blood pressure Kidney and bladder disorders Pelvic floor, stress incontinence Ear-ache Dizziness Tinnitus Sinus pain Musculo-skeletal problems: Spinal stenosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, spondylolisthesis Neck (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Headaches Migraines TMJ, Jaw Thoracic (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Rib (muscle, ligament, and joint) Floating rib impingement Thoracic outlet syndrome Chest pain (not cardiac) Frozen shoulder and impingement syndromes Rotator cuff and shoulder bursitis, tendinitis and muscle tears Acromio-clavicular pain Collar bone Student, tennis and golfers elbow Carpal tunnel syndrome Trigger finger or thumb Wrist tendinitis Arthritic thumb Raynauds phenomenon Lumbar (disc, muscle, ligament, joint) Sacro-iliac (ligament, and joint) Ankylosing spondylitis Sciatica Coccyx pain Hip bursitis, pain, and degeneration Hamstring, quadricep, calf muscle strains Iliotibial tract Groin pain Groin strains Knee degeneration and pain (meniscus, ligament, bursa, joint, muscle) Patella disorders Swollen ankles Shin splints / pain High or fallen arch problems Plantar fasciitis, pain on sole of foot or heel Achilles tendon pain Toe pain Foot pain Why see Andy Le, our osteopath, at our Newton, Surrey Location? Andy Le is an active member of British Columbia’s College of Registered Manual Osteopaths since 2018. He is very passionate about being an osteopath and is very good at what he does. He has a strong interest in helping people relieve pain and improve their quality of life. He is constantly exploring new techniques and approaches to osteopathy in order to provide the best possible care for his patients. Andy’s passion for osteopathy and his dedication to provide quality care for his patients in Newton Surrey makes him an excellent practitioner. If you are looking for someone to help you relieve pain and improve your quality of life, Andy is definitely the osteopath for you.

Seeking Relief for Shoulder Impingement in Surrey BC? Consult an Osteopath Today to Regain Arm Mobility

Surrey BC Registered massage therapist joint mobilizations

Do you experience pain in the front or side of your shoulder, especially during overhead activities or reaching behind your back? Are you dealing with weakness or loss of strength in your shoulder? Is your range of motion limited, particularly when raising your arm or performing shoulder movements? Do you feel radiating pain down your arm? If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you might be dealing with shoulder impingement. It’s essential to seek professional medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options tailored to your specific condition. Shoulder impingement, also known as subacromial impingement, occurs when the tendons or bursa in the shoulder get compressed or pinched between the bones of the shoulder joint. This condition commonly involves the rotator cuff tendons and the bursa located in the subacromial space, between the upper arm bone and the shoulder blade. The narrowing of the shoulder joint space, whether due to anatomical variations or inflammation, can lead to impingement during specific arm movements. This compression can cause irritation, inflammation, pain, and limited range of motion in the shoulder. Several factors can contribute to shoulder impingement, including: 1. Repetitive Overhead Activities: Engaging in repetitive overhead activities like throwing, swimming, or painting increases the risk of shoulder impingement. These activities involve repetitive rubbing or compression of the tendons and bursa against the bones. 2. Poor Posture: Rounded shoulders and forward head posture can alter the biomechanics of the shoulder joint, narrowing the subacromial space and contributing to impingement. 3. Muscle Imbalances: Weakness or imbalances in the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, particularly the rotator cuff muscles, can affect shoulder stability and movement, leading to abnormal mechanics and impingement. 4. Bone Spurs or Abnormal Anatomy: Structural abnormalities such as bone spurs or irregularities in the shape of the shoulder blade can reduce the available space within the shoulder joint, increasing the likelihood of impingement. Common symptoms of shoulder impingement include: Front or side shoulder pain, especially during overhead activities or reaching behind the back. Weakness or loss of strength in the affected shoulder. Difficulty lifting the arm fully or reaching overhead. Radiating pain down the arm. To address shoulder pain and impingement, consulting a manual therapist or osteopath in Surrey, BC can be beneficial. Manual therapists employ various techniques based on individual conditions and treatment approaches. Here are some commonly used techniques: 1. Soft Tissue Manipulation: Manual therapists apply pressure, stretch, or massage the soft tissues around the shoulder joint, including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This technique aims to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, and promote healing. 2. Joint Mobilization: Gentle and controlled movements are applied to the shoulder joint to restore normal function and range of motion. Joint mobilization helps reduce stiffness, alleviate pain, and improve joint mobility. 3. Muscle Energy Techniques: Patients actively participate in muscle energy techniques by contracting specific muscles against resistance or moving the shoulder joint in a specific direction while the therapist applies counter-pressure. These techniques improve muscle balance, increase joint range of motion, and relieve muscle tension. 4. Stretching Exercises: Manual therapists may prescribe specific stretching exercises to enhance flexibility and restore normal muscle length around the shoulder joint. These exercises alleviate muscle imbalances, reduce stiffness, and improve overall shoulder function. 5. Postural Correction: Correcting poor posture is crucial in managing shoulder pain. Manual therapists assess your posture and provide guidance on correcting any imbalances. They may recommend exercises, ergonomic modifications, or postural awareness techniques to improve alignment and reduce stress on the shoulder joint. 6. Lifestyle and Ergonomic Advice: Therapists may offer recommendations on modifying activities or habits that exacerbate shoulder pain. This advice can include proper lifting techniques, ergonomic adjustments to your workspace, suggestions for sleeping positions, or modifications to exercise routines. Making appropriate adjustments in your daily activities supports the healing process and prevents further strain on the shoulder. Remember that the specific techniques used may vary based on the therapist’s training, experience, and your individual needs. They will tailor the treatment plan to address your unique shoulder condition, working collaboratively with you to achieve optimal results. If you’re seeking a manual therapist or osteopath in Surrey, BC for shoulder impingement relief, reach out today to regain your mobility and alleviate pain. Unlock Your Body’s Potential! Book a Session with Our Skilled Osteopath Today! Call 604-401-0459 to book